PHTA (formerly NSPF) Certified Pool Operator CPO® Certification
$385 online only
( Online only is $385 total in 3 parts)
In-Person 2 day CPO $395
CPO Options
3 Options from Educational Leverage-
2 day Classroom Class - These are being offered on a limited basis- I am adding additional classroom classes, I'm sure that you will see more classes as we progress through 2022 ($395)
Fusion option for Classroom classes- Complete the self-paced online Pool Operator Primer course first, then attend the second day of a 2 day classroom class for review and test ($225 + $170 = $395)
100% online class- The full description is below- basically complete the Pool operator Primer course like the Fusion option, then attend a Virtual 1 day CPO Webinar review and Test. I offer these about every other week. ($225 + $160 = $385)
Online Classes and Testing!
Please be aware that if Your State Health Department sets an end date- You will certainly want to be done with class and pass the exam before that date.
Some states have begun to no longer allow the virtual CPO class- Wyoming, Nebraska, some counties in Alabama and some counties in Missouri.
Please check with your local health department before you register for class, if there is any question.
For the 100% online classes- Here is the 3 part plan-
100% Online CPO is 3 Steps
Step One -Register for the online class- Pool Operator Primer ($225) www.educational-leverage.com/product-page/pool-operator-primer
After the Pool Operator Primer online course is completed- You must have a Certificate of Completion-Expect the Pool Operator Course to take 8-12 hours to complete ( I have had some students take double that amount of time- so give yourself enough time to complete.)
Step 2- Register for a Live online webinar- ($160) This portion will be approximately 4-6 hours with a 30 minute break. For Step 2 & 3- You must have a webcam and microphone. I must see that you are present and I must be able to watch you take the exam. If I cannot verify that I observed you take the test, then you will not be certified- regardless of your test score!
This webinar will include much important information including digitally the handouts from an in-person class, review of calculations, and review for the exam.
During the Live online webinar, you will be able to ask questions- either by chat or during some periods, with your microphone, by voice.
This live Webinar will be run almost the same as a normal second day of the 2 day class. In addition to the review of the calculations and other information that you need to know for the test, there is an emphasis on the VGB act and related safety issues that are crucial for the safety of your pool.
Following the Webinar Review, the exam will be available online with a voucher available after you have completed the Webinar.
Step 3- Register for the Online Exam- ( included in the webinar above)
You will NOT be allowed to register for the exam without completing Steps 1 & 2. After completing the webinar, you will have 3 hours to take the online exam. I must be able to watch you take the exam. If I cannot verify that I observed you take the test, then you will not be certified- regardless of your test score!
When you take the online test- you will know your score as soon as you finish the test.
Earning the prestigious Certified Pool/Spa Operator® Certification (CPO® Certification) gives you the latest information available for commercial and residential pools and spas. Earn your certification by taking a traditional 2-day classroom course, the blended format Fusion, or for a limited time.- 100% online course The blended format includes an online course (Pool Operator Primer) and a 1-day classroom course (Pool Operator Fusion).
Pool Operator Primer™ Online Course
You can quickly improve your knowledge and reduce risk by taking this engaging, interactive program. This online training program can be the first step to earning CPO® Certification or it can be an excellent stand-alone course in the fundamentals of pool and spa operation. Pool & Spa Operator™ Handbook included.
Pool Operator Fusion™ Classroom Course
This one-day classroom CPO® course is the second step to earning a CPO® Certification for those that successfully completed the Pool Operator Primer™ Online Course. In this course, the instructor will review concepts in the online course, answer questions, discuss state codes and administer an exam. Students must present a Pool Operator Primer™ record of completion and picture ID to the instructor at the beginning of the course. Successful completion of the Pool Operator Fusion™ course will earn a CPO® Certification.
CPO® Certification benefits include:
The most widely accepted program by local and state authorities
Knowledge in topics necessary for pool/spa operation
Confidence that courses are taught by PHTA® certified instructors
Comprehensive, annually updated materials
Better understanding of the operator’s role in pool care, management, and risk reduction
Access to monthly updates and news from PHTA (NSPF)
Eligibility for Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The Certified Pool/Spa Operator® certification program has delivered more training for pool operation than any other program in the pool and spa industry since 1972, resulting in more than 400,000 successful CPO® certifications in 86 countries.
This information is applicable to both residential and commercial pools. CPO® Certification is often required for employment with some companies.
Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas and other state and local health departments accept the CPO® certification program for commercial pool operation.
Kevin Tucker brings 50 years of aquatics and swimming pool industry experience to this class. He is well known around the US for excellence in training.
This is a real class- not just someone reading from the powerpoint slides.
For the classroom class, we include the CPO® Workbook plus additional Handouts.
CPO Exam will be given at the end of the second day.
Every person taking the Exam must provide a valid Picture ID.
This certification is valid for 5 years.
CPO® Fusion Class
For persons that prefer online training, the CPO® Fusion option combines the online Pool Operator Primer with one day of the CPO® in-class program and the monitored examination.
Step One: Purchase the NSPF Pool Operator Primer (POP) program $225 · CLICK HERE
Step Two: Study and Complete the Pool Operator Primer. The Certificate of Completion must be presented to the Instructor for the Exam. (Expect the online program to take at least 8 -12 hours-More for some people don't wait until the last minute to complete!)
Step Three: Arrange and attend the last day of the two day CPO® class for the review and administration of the EXAM. You MUST bring a valid picture ID for the Exam. $170
This certification is valid for 5 years.
Total for In-Person class = $225 + $170 = $395
For persons interested in the CPO® Fusion Class– Please Call Kevin at 512-417-8103.
Register in advance. CLICK HERE.
CPO Recertification-
For persons that still have a valid CPO® certificate (Not Expired!), there are THREE choices for recertification:
Complete a full CPO® 2 day classroom course and pass the Exam. $395 OR...
Complete the Pool Operator Primer online course as a refresher prior to the Exam- Attend an in Person Review and Pass the Exam. $225+$170 · CLICK HERE OR...
Complete the CPO Webinar Review. This is a live review over Zoom. Pass the Exam at that time. $225 + $160 = $385
Recertifications are good for 5 years.
Every person taking the Exam must provide a valid Picture ID.


The Certified Pool Operator (CPO®) program from is the largest and most recognizable training program for commercial pool operators.
A CPO® Certification provides individuals with the basic knowledge, techniques, and skills of pool and spa operations. This training has helped protect millions of swimmers by reducing hazards at aquatic facilities.
The Certified Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO®) Certification program is not intended to give a complete novice all of the knowledge for total operation skills for a commercial pool.
The CPO® program is a great introduction to the world of the commercial pool operator.