3 ISPSC classes-
I offer 3 live classes ( Webinar or In-Person) for orientation to this ISPSC code-
1. Pool Builders (Webinar or In-Person- $350/ person including 2021 ISPSC Code and Commentary book & Handout) about 4 hours
2. Service & Repair (Webinar or In-Person- $300/person including 2021 ISPSC Code and Commentary book and Handout) 3.5 hours
3. Inspectors and Builders- ICC/PHTA have an approved course. This is a 6 hour Course is scheduled through PHTA. In the Austin area, if you would like to do 3rd Party Inspections, the 6 hour course is the one that you need.
For the 6 hour ISPSC course please register with PHTA. For large Private classes, please contact me for scheduling.
This course includes
Residential and Commercial-
although it does NOT focus on the 2023
changes to the Texas Administrative Code.
Seminar 1 & 2 above are Focused on
Residential Pools and Spas
For all 3 classes-Webinar is Live! You can ask questions-
Just like a classroom!
2018 or 2021 ISPSC Code and Commentary Book plus handouts provided in the course.
The new version of the classroom courses were developed to review and teach calculations needed for Builders and Inspectors or for Service People for plan review or for determining the proper replacement pump and Drain Covers.
Pool Builders and Service People in all states should consider the ISPSC to be the minimum standard. In Texas, HB 2858 was signed by Governor Abbott creating stronger reasons to comply with the new building codes.
The Builders course is to help builders and inspectors understand many of the changes to pool construction and the flow requirements required by referenced codes. Builders should be aware of TDH and the proper calculations for the information that may be required on their building permit and /or which may help with legal issues that end up in court. This course focuses on Residential Pool and Spa Construction.
HB 2858 applies to repair, remodeling and new pool/spa construction.
The Service focussed course reviews the same ISPSC code from the perspective of the Serviceperson. This will change the way that you choose and install Pumps, Filters and Drain Covers. "Like for like" replacement may be in violation of the federal law- VGB Act. It does apply to residential pools!

This current course provides each person a copy of the ISPSC Codebook with Commentary and handouts with the course materials. It does not include the related code books like the NEC, IRC, APSP/ANSI 7 and others.
In this class we will walk through the calculations required for APSP/ANSI 7 & 15. These calculations should be provided with any plan review and should be a part of the pool plan packet. You will be provided with a worksheet designed to be used with your plan packet for the Plan Review process.
Texas adopts HB 2858- June 14, 2019
June 14, 2019 Governor Abbott signed HB 2858 into law in Texas. This bill states-
Sec. 214.103. INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE. (a) In this section, "International Swimming Pool and Spa Code" means the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code promulgated by the International Code Council.
(b) To protect the public health, safety, and welfare, the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, as it existed on May 1, 2019, is adopted as the municipal swimming pool and spa code in this state.
(c) The International Swimming Pool and Spa Code applies to all construction, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, and repair of swimming pools and spas in a municipality that elects to regulate pools or spas, including under Section 214.101.
To read the full bill-click here.
HB 2858 applies to Residential and Commercial Pools in Texas
The bill specifically identifies cities that decide to regulate the construction of residential pools. Commercial pools were already supposed to be built to Texas codes- that are very close to the ISPSC codes. In the last list that I saw- over 210 cities in Texas have already adopted the ISPSC (2018 or 2021).
If you are building (or repairing or remodeling) pools & spas anywhere in the state, I suggest that the ISPSC should be considered to be the minimum standard. I am not a lawyer, I cannot give legal advice, but check with your lawyer. I suggest that if you end up in court for a project that was not built to the minimum standards required by the ISPSC, then I believe that your legal defense will be very weak. I believe that you are likely to lose.
Texas adopted changes to the Texas Administrative Code for Commercial Pools- Effective 1/1/2021
Then changed again 1/1/2023 !!
The Texas Legislature required TDHS to update the Commercial pool code again.

2018 or 2021 ISPSC International Swimming Pool and Spa Code Review and Calculations Training (ISPSC)
(Webinar or In-Person- )
For Pool Service- Live class
Focused on Residential Pools and Spas
Webinar is Live! You can ask questions-
Just like a classroom!
2018 or 2021 ISPSC Code and Commentary Book plus handouts provided in the course.