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Residential Appliance Installers Authorized Scope of Work and Service – Pool-Related Electrical Devices

JANUARY 8, 2019
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) hereby provides additional scope of work and service guidance to political subdivisions, residential appliance installer license (RAIL) holders, and related stakeholders regarding pool and spa work settings.  Holders of a RAIL license may:
•    Install, uninstall, or replace pool-related electrical devices including underwater lights, ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), pumps, motors, heaters, automation systems, and related equipment on the “load-side” of the control-center while maintaining National Electrical Code compliance. However, if the system requires a new or upgraded “line-circuit,” only a licensed electrical contractor with a designated master electrician may offer to perform that work.
•    Install or add pool-related electrical devices to an existing pool that do
not require an increase in amperage or access to a main breaker panel.
For example, a RAIL holder may install salt systems, a time clock or similar automation equipment, a variable speed motor, or ultraviolet or ozone equipment.
•    Install, uninstall, or replace pool-related electrical devices that use direct or alternating current.

In addition, a residential appliance dealer or manufacturer, or a person authorized by a dealer or manufacturer, may perform maintenance and repair of a pool-related electrical device. However, maintenance and repair maybe performed using only components of the same type and ampacity as the original components.

[1] The above services and work scope, if performed by a RAIL holder as outlined, would be in accordance with TDLR requirements and may be deemed eligible for applicable governmental, vendor, or manufacturer rebates sought by consumers.
[1] See Texas Occupations Code §  1305.003(a)(22).

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